
HowStuffWorks has everything you need to look great through every phase of your life. We know that your style changes as your life changes and we've got tips on hair, makeup, accessories and fashion that will help you look your best and always look like you.

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If you have short hair, you might think you need to bid adieu to hair accessories. After all, you can't sweep your hair up into kicky ponytails anymore. But don't fret -- there are plenty of ways to have fun with short hair.

By Julia Layton & Alison Cooper

You may love your hair stylist. He makes you look like a star and gives you the best scalp massage in town. But he's also getting paid. What are 10 things your stylist could be keeping close to the chest?

By Julia Layton

Thin, lifeless and flat is no way for your hair to look. But what to do? Tease it, cut it, spray it? Never fear -- we'll guide you to a fuller, more luxurious mane.

By Emilie Sennebogen


It's only natural: Women with straight hair would often kill for a curly hair day. Sleek can be stunning, but straight hair isn't always sleek and maintenance-free. How can you keep your tresses looking shiny and full of volume?

By Julia Layton

It's time for a new do. You're finally ready to go short -- well, not too short and absolutely no spiky bits. Whether you're going to your regular stylist or a standby, getting the haircut you want can be easy if you follow these essential tips.

By Alison Cooper

Victoria Beckham is known for handbags with shockingly high prices -- her collection of Hermes Birkins is rumored to be worth $2 million. What other handbags can match the fame of the Birkin?

By Julia Layton

Sticker shock doesn't just apply to cars, it relates to shoes. But why? We'll take a look at some of the reasons.

By Sara Elliott


If the shoe fits, you want to wear it as long as possible. We can help.

By Sara Elliott

There are some looks you just can't pull off, no matter who you are. Don't let your feet commit these fashion faux pas.

By Sara Elliott

To the unfamiliar, eye makeup tools can look more like torture instruments than anything else. But as any beauty expert will tell you, the tools you use to apply your makeup are just as important as the makeup itself. How should you stock your kit?

By Julia Layton

Want to look like a blushing beauty or a bronze goddess? Choosing the right product is essential.

By Emilie Sennebogen


Applying makeup is just like anything else: You can't get the job done right unless you have the right tools. But which ones should you invest in?

By Debra Ronca

Even if you're a lip-balm-only kind of girl, there will come a time in your life -- a black-tie party, perhaps, or a job interview -- that will compel you to put on some makeup. Be ready with these moisturizer, concealer and foundation tips.

By Alison Cooper

We've met with and moved forward from the big 4-0. We're all grown up. It's time to make some fashion changes that reflect our maturity. How can women in their 40s adapt to their changing lifestyle?

By Heather Kolich

You can still be fun and flirty in your 30s, but your clothes should have a slightly more sophisticated feel and they should be more about your personal style than what's on trend at the moment. Check out our guide for more fashion tips.

By Colleen Cancio


Dressing younger doesn't make you look younger. In fact, it can have the opposite effect. What can you wear to look your best in your fifties?

By Meredith Bower

Most women aren't tall and slim with an hourglass figure -- they have rounder middles or broader hips. But those "apples" and "pears" get their own shape guides. How can you make the most of your figure if you're big on top, curvy allover or straight as a board?

By Julia Layton

Much like putting on a sweater when it's winter and then shedding those heavy clothes for a sundress in summer, you can also think of perfume as a seasonal part of your beauty routine.

By Jill Jaracz

It's easy to look fabulous when you have stylists at your beck and call and huge bank accounts at your disposal. Yet -- with a little work and a lot less cash -- the rest of us can look just as fashionable as the celebs.

By Stephanie Watson


If you're predisposed to itchy eyes, headaches and respiratory irritation in the presence of strong fragrances, just walking downwind of someone who's wearing perfume could trigger a reaction. You may be allergic.

By Sara Elliott

Tired of office grays? Bored with a wardrobe jammed with near-identical pantsuits? Looks like the time is ripe to start flexing your accessorizing muscles.

By Tristin Hopper

Let's face it. Most of us aren't shaped like those skinny ladies who walk the world's runways. But that doesn't mean we can't look our best. How can you make your unique shape look spectacular?

By Patrick J. Kiger

Like every body type, straight-figured ladies with no curves can have difficulty finding jeans that work just right for their shape. Dressing a boyish figure is a little tricky -- but not impossible.

By Meghan E. Smith


Someone with an inverted triangle body type usually has broad shoulders and smaller hips, and it can be hard to fit a pair of jeans that fits. Should you look for pockets or no pockets? Boot cut or skinny?

By Melissa Sandoval

Unless you work for royalty or Liz Taylor, chances are the woman at the office Christmas party isn't wearing real diamonds. But can she pull off the fakes? What makes a good piece of costume jewelry and how can you wear your faux sparklers tastefully?