Oh No Shoe Didn't: 5 Footwear Mistakes

5 Footwear Mistakes
When it comes to dressing up your feet, some unwritten standards do apply.
George Doyle/Thinkstock

When you're stepping out in your favorite peep-toe shoes, the last thing you want is a citation from the fashion police. When it comes to dressing up your feet, some unwritten standards do apply. If you're a fashion-savvy renegade, you may be able to break the rules with a little fancy footwork and a well-turned ankle, but it pays to read the rule book before you start making any radical statements with your footwear.




5: Sheer Stockings with Open-toed Shoes

Sheer Stockings with Open-toed Shoes
Dominique Charriau/WireImage

Sheer stockings worn with open-toed shoes are considered a fashion don’t. Stylish women are, however, wearing open-toed shoes with patterned and opaque hosiery. 

Make note of the difference or ignore it at your own fashion peril.


4: Pant Drag

Pant Drag

If your pants are dragging on the ground, you've got both a shoe and a wardrobe disaster on your hands. The hem of your pant leg should brush the top of your instep and reveal the toe and part of the heel of your shoe. If your shoes are almost MIA when you're wearing slacks, you’ve taken the lengthening look too far. Shorten those pants and show off your shoes. It's the fashion- forward thing to do.


3: Abused and Neglected

Abused and Neglected
Janis Christie/Getty Images

Just because the tops of your shoes (the part you can see when you're wearing them) look good doesn't mean you're off the hook for keeping the heels, bottoms and sides in shape. Nothing looks worse than a dinged stiletto heal, one with a missing rubber tip or a sad shoe that still has a Day-Glow sale sticker attached to the bottom. Treat your shoes like the wardrobe essentials they are. Polish them regularly and don't forget the fashion first aid when they get scratched or weather-beaten.



2: Wildly Inappropriate

Wildly Inappropriate

You probably know that wearing peek-over-the-waistline panties is a big no-no, but there are other occasions where it's important to be shoe appropriate. If you're hiking, you want shoes that will give your feet solid support. When you're near water, you need shoes with soles that will grip wet surfaces. The occasion should be part of the equation when you're deciding on what shoes to wear. Even though you'd look amazing in those 5-inch heels, does it really make good sense to wear dangerous footgear to a pool party, barbecue or park visit? Stay stylish, but be safe, too.




1: You Can't Wear 'Em All

You Can't Wear 'Em All

Shoes should flatter your feet and figure. Those red ankle cuff shoes will accentuate your calves and -- surprise! -- your ankles. 

Are those parts of your body that you want to highlight? Shoes are a fashion accessory, and even though they can look like sparkling jewels all by themselves, good dressing is about making all the elements of your outfit look good together and flattering on your body.


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