
Families come in all shapes and sizes and we know sometimes, you need a little help. Get all the tips and advice you'll ever need or want to know right here on starting, raising and nurturing your clan.

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Make the punishment fit the crime and don't be excessive. Find out what a good punishment is for teens from this article.

By Contributors

Teenage promiscuity is a risky behavior that parents need to address. Learn what to do if your teenager is promiscuous in this article.

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Families may have financial problems to deal with, and parents may want to share these issues with their teens. Learn how you can talk to your teen about your financial issues in this article.

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The teen years are marked by stressful changes that can affect teens socially and academically. Learn how to help your teen academically in this article.

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You can see what your teen does online either by stealth or upfront. Learn how to monitor what your teen is doing on the computer in this article.

By Contributors

Usually, teenagers babysit for others and don't need a babysitter, but there are exceptions. Learn whether your teen needs a babysitter from this article.

By Contributors

Just let the baby cry. Rub some whiskey on his aching gums. Don't ever scold a child. We've all heard some parenting advice that gives us pause. How much of it is hokey -- and how much is downright horrific?

By Chris Obenschain


You did your homework before you picked your particular daycare center and so far, everything seems good. But what goes on behind the scenes after you drop your child off? What does your daycare provider not want you to know?

By Laurie L. Dove

To borrow a well-turned phrase, it's not easy being teen. That's why we turn to the silver screen for a glimpse into the emotionally fraught lives of teenagers. Actors make it seem so gritty, glamorous and understandable in these 10 beloved movies.

By Chris Obenschain

What happened to your sweet little child? Who replaced your sunny kid with the sullen, sarcastic tween you've got now? Don't despair -- there's a reason for all the attitude, and several easy ways to deal with it.

By Linda C. Brinson

You want to have pleasurable time together, but forced family fun is a bummer for everyone involved. How can you bring your favorite people together without resorting to coercion or threats of violence? We have some suggestions.

By Colleen Cancio


Having trouble interpreting your tween's slang? You risk losing face by asking him what he means by poppins or tope. We'll help you decode his secret tween language so you can keep your cool points and improve communication.

By Chris Obenschain

They're called "helicopter parents," and their hovering behavior does more harm than good for a child. How do you prevent yourself from falling into this trap?

By Debra Ronca

Maybe you'd prefer your tween to clean his or her bedroom or pick up a wholesome hobby like knitting or reading. But what does your tween really want to do after a long day at school?

By Debra Ronca

Thanks to the women's lib movement of the 1960s, the doors are now open for all women. Here are 10 careers that women have had to fight to enter.

By Emilie Sennebogen


Blending families isn't an easy task, and when your stepkids are older, getting to know them and earning their trust can be twice as tough. Whether it's joining your stepkid for TV time or taking her to the mall, here are five bonding tips that will work for you.

By Alia Hoyt

Whether it's swimming or painting or listening to a story, there are so many fun activities for you and your little one to try out together. We'll look at 10 of the most popular plus places where you can find them.

By Laurie L. Dove

If you're a working mom-to-be, chances are you're hoping to take some maternity leave to spend time with your new baby. What should you ask your employer before you go?

By Becky Striepe

The development of a child is a very tricky thing, and there are so many factors that play into it. But if you don't take the time to bond with your infant right away, it could be disastrous when they're older.

By Emilie Sennebogen


You're his hero, role model and protector. But you also want to show him that you're a guy just like he is. Spending time with your son doing silly or serious things will bring you closer together. Here are 10 tips to get you started.

By Chris Obenschain

Tweens can be a finicky bunch. Your tween doesn't like sitting still in class, but all she wants to do after school is veg out in front of the TV. Inspire your tween to get out there and make the most of her day with these 10 after school activities.

By Echo Surina

Tutoring doesn't have to be a total bore. If you choose the right instructor and emphasize the positive benefits of tutoring, your kids will look forward to after-school tutoring appointments.

By Chris Obenschain

There's more to life than television and video games. Extracurricular activities for tweens promote learning, offer new social opportunities, and help kids understand how the things they learn in school work in the real world.

By Heather Kolich


Know what your kids are doing after school? If there's no supervision and you're worried they'll be tempted by sex, drugs and junk food, get your youngster into a good after-school program. We've got 10 great ideas sure to pique their interest.

By Jennifer Sellers

If your kids spend most of their time in front of the TV after school, then they aren't making the most of their time. What should they do instead?

By Debra Ronca