Tweens and Teens

Adolescence can be a tricky time, both for parents struggling to understand their children’s issues and for teens and tweens attempting to forge their new identities. Learn how to understand your teenagers in these articles.

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Single fathers need to make sure their daughters have all the information they need about puberty. Learn how single fathers can help girls get through puberty in this article.

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Our young children depend on us and need us, and so do our teens, but in a different way. Find out how your relationship with your teen can change during adolescence in this article.

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Teens yearn for independence. Learn about whether a teen can be financially independent in this article.

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Trust is earned – it doesn't come automatically. Learn how teens deal with overprotective parents in this article.

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Teens grow at different rates. Learn how to know if your teen is too skinny in this article.

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Teens need to socialize. Learn how much social time is enough for your teen in this article.

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Puberty starts with the release of hormones that signal the beginning stages of sexual development and physical growth. Learn what types of hormones are changing during puberty in this article.

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Teens can occasionally be surly, but there might be good reason! Learn about typical adolescent behavior in this article.

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Just as we don't expect all babies to sleep through the night or crawl by a certain age, we don't expect all teenagers to follow a strict schedule of puberty. Learn whether girls will always go through puberty before boys from this article.

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Adolescence is a process of physical, cognitive, and social development that starts around the ages of 10 to 13. Learn about the typical timeline for adolescent development from this article.

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One of the changes caused by the hormones that the body produces during puberty is the voice change in boys. Learn when your teen's voice will change in this article.

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You can start looking into colleges in your teenager's junior year of high school, and fill out the FAFSA in January of the senior year. Learn when to start looking into colleges for your teen from this article.

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Adolescents from different backgrounds often face additional challenges as they grow and develop. Learn if adolescent development changes according to culture and upbringing in this article.

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Puberty is a time of many changes for boys and for girls, both physical and emotional. Learn if there are similarities in puberty between males and females in this article.

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Preventable causes of death, mental illnesses and eating disorders are possible health issues for teens. Learn about common adolescent health issues from this article.

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As an adolescent naturally separates from his parents, he develops his own distinct personality and identity. Learn more about personality changes in adolescence from this article.

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A teen's peers help him/her develop independence and identity. Learn about the importance of peers to adolescents in this article.

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As children develop into adolescents, they go through physical, emotional and cognitive changes. Learn more about the physical changes in adolescence from this article.

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Due to hormonal changes, adolescents tend to be moody, temperamental and emotional. Learn more about emotional changes in adolescence from this article.

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Teens begin to develop different kinds of relationships as they grow. Learn about some social transitions during adolescence in this article.

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Hormonal changes cause the development of secondary sex characteristics and have other effects a well. Learn about the hormonal changes during adolescence from this article.

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Tanner Stages break down the progress of pubertal development. Learn about the stages of puberty for girls in this article.

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Growth during puberty takes about two years on the average, but males and females develop at different rates. Learn what the male vs. female adolescent growth rates are in this article.

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Teens begin to develop a sense of morality during adolescence. Learn about the moral development stage of adolescence in this article.

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Adolescence is the transitional period before adulthood that starts along with puberty. Find out when adolescence ends in this article.

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