Makeup is a beauty essential for most women. Learn about the different kinds of makeup and get makeup application tips.
Microblading Is the Secret to Faking Full Eyebrows
How does a fish pedicure work?
5 Secrets to Covering Scars With Makeup
How does mascara extend your lashes?
Bow Lips and Bold Eyes: Secrets of the '20s Makeup Look
5 Tricks to Longer Lashes
Clean Out Your Makeup, Like Right Now!
What is high-definition makeup?
Why do lip plumpers sting?
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Just two percent of the world population has blue eyes. If you fall into that unique group, show off your baby blues with the right shadow!
Makeup can enhance your natural beauty or conceal flaws -- if you use it in the right way. But how can you sort between innumerable shades and hues to find a look that works for you?
By Bambi Turner
Sure, you can use a foot file or razor to remove the scaly skin from your feet. But how about letting fish do the job, instead?
By Debra Ronca
You've seen all the commercials for mineral makeup and think the results look great. But exactly what minerals are in those powders and foundations anyway?
By Beth Brindle
Some women are blessed with prominent cheekbones that define the face. But the rest of us need some help. Before you cut your face up for implants, try some makeup tricks first.
Brown-eyed girls need colorful shadows to make their eyes really pop. Which shades are best and how should you apply it?
If the windows to your soul are dark brown, then there are certain eyeshadow colors that will complement your peepers best. But you have to find out what other colors are hiding in your eyes first.
If you're one of the lucky ones with green eyes, then you already have a beautiful start to stunning eyes. But the right eyeshadow shades can bring out your eyes even more.
By Sara Elliott
A great makeup artist can make any scar disappear; but for the rest of us, it can seem our attempts at coverage just draw attention to it. How can you expertly cover a scar at home?
By Julia Layton
Stretch marks are a grim fact for someone who's gained too much weight in a short amount of time. But you don't have to put up with them. Use a little makeup to cover them up!
You're the one all your friends turn to for cosmetic advice. But even if you can spot a single bottle of quality eye shadow in a bargain bin full inferior products, you still might not be aware how much a quality brush can improve your overall look.
So you want long, luscious lashes but have no idea what type of false lashes are for you? We'll tell you all about them.
There are ways to hide any number of skin imperfections. We'll tell you the best way to cover birthmarks using concealer.
Scars, freckles, stretch marks, cellulite. Wearing a swimsuit at the beach can be a stressful situation. How do you cover up those less-than-perfect areas?
Trying to catch someone's eye? Long lashes can help attract attention, but achieving the look you want can be difficult. Luckily, applying single eyelashes isn't as hard as you might think!
By Jill Jaracz
Most people know that concealers and foundation can work miracles to cover up blemishes on your face. But have you ever considered using it elsewhere on your body -- like your legs?
Not everyone is born with long, thick, fluttery eyelashes, but that doesn't mean you can't have them anyway. Lengthy lashes that rival those of even the most gorgeous celebs can be yours in just a few simple steps.
If you're not a cosmetics expert, it's sometimes tough to know how to apply makeup for a night on the town. Here are five subtle tips for evening makeup that will work for just about anyone.
To the unfamiliar, eye makeup tools can look more like torture instruments than anything else. But as any beauty expert will tell you, the tools you use to apply your makeup are just as important as the makeup itself. How should you stock your kit?
By Julia Layton
Want to look like a blushing beauty or a bronze goddess? Choosing the right product is essential.
Applying makeup is just like anything else: You can't get the job done right unless you have the right tools. But which ones should you invest in?
By Debra Ronca
Even if you're a lip-balm-only kind of girl, there will come a time in your life -- a black-tie party, perhaps, or a job interview -- that will compel you to put on some makeup. Be ready with these moisturizer, concealer and foundation tips.
Fake tans that are dreadfully obvious are never a good look. Put your tanning stress to rest with these simple tanning tips.
By Joelle Klein
Natural mineral makeup is a growing trend in the world of natural beauty products. Learn what fans and skeptics have to say.
By Joelle Klein
Dr. Mehmet Oz, co-author of books like "YOU: The Owner's Manual" and "YOU: Staying Young," has turned his focus to beauty in the book "YOU: Being Beautiful." What does it take to be beautiful?