Science Projects for Kids: Laws of Gravity and Motion

If your children are in need of unique science projects involving physics, look no further than Sir Isaac Newton's laws of gravity and motion. Science projects for kids: laws of gravity and motion can teach your children how applying force to a pendulum inhibits its swing or how centrifugal force can assist in lifting a heavy object.

Testing the laws of physics doesn't have to be difficult for your children. Let them find out how easy the laws of gravity and motion are to comprehend by helping them complete some of these science projects for kids: laws of gravity and motion.


Follow the links below to learn how to make science projects for kids: laws of gravity and motion:

Swing on a Pendulum

Have your children take their science project outside to the playground to learn about pendulums.

Watch an Ounce Lift a Pound

Centrifugal force is at hand with this science project where a lighter object can lift a heavier one. Learn more.

Keep reading to learn how a pendulum works by testing the laws of physics on playground swings.

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Swing on a Pendulum

Your children can discover the laws of physics when they try to swing on a pendulum at the playground.

What You'll Need:
  • Swing set
  • Partner
  • Stopwatch
How to Swing on a Pendulum:

Step 1: Have your kids sit in a swing and have their partner push them gently. Time how many times they go back and forth in one minute. Make sure they don't pump the swing. Just let it go on its own.


Step 2: Their partner can use a stopwatch to time precisely one minute while your children count.

Step 3: Then have your children's partner push your children as hard as possible. Again, make sure they don't pump the swing. Count how many times they go back and forth in one minute. Is it any different?

Step 4: Now have them try the same experiment, but pump the swing by themselves. Does adding a force affect the frequency of the swing?

Keep reading science projects for kids: laws of gravity and motion to learn how it's possible for an ounce to lift a pound.

For more super science projects for kids, check out:


Watch an Ounce Lift a Pound

It may sound like it can't happen, but have your children learn about centrifugal force and watch an ounce lift a pound.

What You'll Need:
How to Watch an Ounce Lift a Pound:

Step 1: Have your children thread a five-foot piece of fishing line through an empty cotton spool. At one end, they should securely fasten the 1-oz object so that it can be whirled about without danger. Then have them fasten a 1-lb rock to the other end of the fishing line.


Step 2: Have your kids grip the spool so that they are also holding the string beneath it. Let the heavy rock dangle down about ten inches. Rotate the light object in a horizontal circle above their head.

Step 3: When the light object is spinning around fast, your children can release their grip on the string below the spool. As they continue to spin the light object, they will see the heavy object begin to rise on the string that goes through the spool. (Make sure they use a strong line and fasten objects securely so that the objects don't fly off.)

For more super science projects for kids, check out:

Swing on a Pendulum by Maria Birmingham, Karen E. Bledsoe and Kelly Milner Halls


