Tossing Games for Kids

Play the balloon toss game.
The balloon toss game is easy to make and play.
©2007 Publications International, Ltd.

Tossing games for kids are perfect to play outside when the weather is nice or indoors in a large space on cold, rainy days. These games will improve coordination, and teach children how to compete while having fun.

With these easy-to-follow instructions, learn how to make the equipment needed to play the games using common objects.


Start tossing with these fun games:

Vietnamese Beanbag Toss

Commonly called hacky sack or footbag, play this game that originated in Vietnam and have fun while developing motor skills.

Balloon Toss

In this game, toss flour-filled balloons at holes to score points. Don't worry! These balloons aren't likely to pop and create a mess.

Beanbag Bundles

Make your own beanbags with rice or beans then use your imagination to create your own game to play with friends and family.

Veggie Toss

This game is great indoors or in an area without wind because you toss pieces of paper made to look like salad ingredients.

Floppy Horseshoes

Unlike traditional horseshoes, this game is safe to play -- the pieces are made from foam instead of metal.

See the next page to learn how to play Vietnamese beanbag toss, a game enjoyed all around the world.

For more fun activities for kids, check out:


Vietnamese Beanbag Toss

Vietnamese beanbag toss originated in Vietnam, but this game is well-loved all over the world. Grab a beanbag, and try your talent at Vietnamese beanbag toss, also called Da-Cau. What You'll Need:

  • Bean-bag
How To Play Vietnamese Bean-Bag Toss:

Step 1: The object of this game is to balance the game piece on your foot without letting it touch the ground, even when it's tossed! To play, place a beanbag on your foot, kick it up in the air, and then try and catch it by getting it to land back on the top of the same foot!


Step 2: If you are playing with a friend, toss the bag back and forth, without letting it land on the ground.

To make the game more challenging, play it with a coin instead of a beanbag, just as Vietnamese children do!

On the next page, find out how to play a tossing game using balloons and flour as the beanbags.

For more fun activities for kids, check out:


Balloon Toss

Play the balloon toss game.
The balloon toss game is easy to make and play.
©2007 Publications International, Ltd.

Test your aim playing balloon toss. This game is very similar to beanbag toss, but you toss flour-filled balloons instead. Play by yourself or compete with your friends!



What You'll Need:
  • Bag of regular party balloons; metallic balloons, four of each color per player
  • Plastic or paper funnel
  • Flour
  • Heavy poster board
  • Big cardboard box
  • Coffee mug
  • Jumbo marker
  • Scissors
  • Masking tape
How To Play Balloon Toss:

Step 1: Very carefully, slip a regular balloon inside a metallic balloon. Blow into the balloons to straighten out the inside balloon.

Step 2: Stretch the neck of the double balloon over the narrow end of the funnel, and fill the inside balloon almost full with flour. Securely tie off the end. Make 4 balloons for each player -- with each player having different colors.

Step 3: Find a piece of heavy poster board big enough to fit over a big cardboard box. Lay the poster board on the floor and trace around a coffee mug near the top center. This is the top of a "pyramid."

Step 4: Trace two more circles centered underneath the first circle. Leave about 4 inches between rows. Trace three more circles centered under the two circles.

Step 5: Cut out the circles. Over the top circle, mark "10" points. Over each of the two circles in the middle, mark "5" points. Over the remaining circles, mark "1" point.

Step 6: Lay the poster board over the box, and tape the edges down with masking tape.

Step 7: Stand back from the box about 5 to 7 feet, and toss the balloons into the holes.

Play by yourself, or have friends over for a challenge match. Players take turns throwing the balloons into the holes to score points. Start tossing balloons!

On the next page, learn how to make your own beanbags using rice or beans.

For more fun activities for kids, check out:


Beanbag Bundles

Play the bean bag bundles tame.
Beanbag bundles challenges your aim.
©2007 Publications International, Ltd.

Make your own beanbag bundles, and toss them into tubs. This is one of the easiest tossing games to play, and even adults find it fun on game day! Make your own magic with this bean-bundling fun!

What You'll Need:
  • Self-sealing plastic sandwich bags
  • Uncooked beans or rice
  • Cardboard boxes or plastic tubs
  • Colored markers
How To Play Beanbag Bundles:

Step 1: Fill self-sealing plastic sandwich bags half-full of beans -- pinto, Lima, even uncooked peas or rice will do.


Step 2: Double-bag your beans, and squeeze out excess air -- they'll be less likely to spill or break.

Step 3: Decorate cardboard boxes or plastic tubs with brightly colored numbers. The higher the number, the farther away the tub should be from your starting mark.

Step 4: Now toss your beanbags into the tubs, and keep track of how many land in each numbered container. Add the scores for each container, then add the scores for all the containers together.

Step 5: Have other players take a turn throwing the beanbags into the containers. The player with the highest score wins.

You can compete against your own high score if you're playing alone.

On the next page, find out how to play a similar game that uses vegetables instead of beans.

For more fun activities for kids, check out:


Veggie Toss

Play the veggie toss game.
Play the veggie toss game.
©2007 Publications International, Ltd.

Enjoy salad in a new way by creating your own veggies to play veggie toss. It's truly a veg­etarian treat -- lettuce have some fun!

What You'll Need:
  • Colorful card stock
  • Plastic bowls
  • Black markers
How To Play Veggie Toss:

Step 1: Make paper salad bits from colorful card stock or lightweight cardboard. Try green paper lettuce leaves, red tomato slices, white onion cubes, orange carrot chunks.


Step 2: Divide players into two teams. Take turns sailing veggie bits through the air, trying to land them in the large plastic bowls. The team with the most veggies tossed on target wins.

For an added challenge, assign each vegetable a number value. Assign more points for smaller veggies that land in the bowls, fewer points for easier-to-toss lettuce leaves. Tally the totals to determine the winner. You can also play by yourself to keep improving your score!

On the next page, try another activity where you make the pieces with the floppy horseshoes tossing game.

For more fun activities for kids, check out:


Floppy Horseshoes

floppy horseshoes
Toss a ringer and earn three points in the floppy horseshoes game.
©2007 Publications International, Ltd.

Floppy horseshoes are easy to make and fun to play! Unlike most other games, in horseshoes you get points when you hit the mark and even when you're close! What You'll Need:

  • 8-1/2 × 11-inch piece of cardboard
  • Markers
  • Ruler
  • Blunt scissors
  • 1 yard foam sheet, 1 inch thick (available at fabric stores)
  • Unsharpened pencil or drinking straw
How To Play Floppy Horseshoes:

Step 1: On a piece of cardboard, draw a horseshoe 8 inches long, 7 inches wide, and 2 inches thick. Cut out the horseshoe pattern.


Step 2: Trace six horseshoes on the foam sheet. Draw two 12-inch circles on the foam. Cut out the circles and horseshoes.

Step 3: Cut a tiny slit in the middle of each circle. Insert a thick drinking straw or an unsharpened pencil for the post. You may need a little tape to help the post stand up straight. If you want, decorate the circles and horseshoes with markers.

Step 4: You and a friend each get three horseshoes.

Step 5: Place the posts about 6 feet apart. Standing next to one post, throw your horseshoes at the opposite post. Take turns with your opponent throwing horseshoes at opposite posts.

Step 6: To score points, you get three points for a ringer (around the post) and two points for a leaner (touching the post.) If no horseshoes touch the post, the person with the closest horseshoe gets one point.

To make the game more challenging, move the posts one foot farther apart after each round. Keep track of your points -- the first person to reach 50 points wins!

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