Should You Expect a Proposal on Valentine's Day?

Expecting a ring? It could be coming on a very romantic holiday!

Valentine's Day is fast approaching and your special pal is looking distracted. Does that glazed expression mean there's a ring in your future, or is it just indigestion? You've thought about it, dreamed about it, planned for it and stressed over it. Will Valentine's Day be a long-awaited breakthrough or a bust? We have some hints about how you can tell if you should get a mani-pedi in preparation for the big moment, or just make sure there's plenty of room on the coffee table for another box of chocolates.

St. Valentine's Day is bursting with life changing potential -- if everything comes together the way it should. Is he seriously courting you with an eye toward that big bended knee moment, or is this another false start?


20 Signs a Ring Will Grace Your Finger This Year

Here are some subtle and not-so-subtle ways you can tell if this is going to be your year:

  • For at least the last week, he's remembered to put the toilet seat down, and it isn't your birthday.
  • Your mother (or best friend) has suddenly decided he isn't such a disappointment after all. (One or both of them are in on the secret!)
  • He's asked you for your ring size or jokingly wrapped a twist tie, piece of string or rubber band around your finger.
  • Out of the blue, he's asked you if you love him. Most men try to avoid direct references to the L word unless someone is going away on a trip or there's nudity involved.
  • The last time the two of you accepted a wedding invitation, he didn't complain about having to dress up.
  • He doesn't mind spending time with your family.
  • He's been more attentive than usual and may actually have said he wants to grow old with you. (You took this as a sign that those gray hairs are growing back.)
  • He's made long-term money plans, and they include you.
  • You can't remember the last time he went out with the guys for a night of drunken debauchery.
  • When he has to work late, he calls in advance to apologize.
  • He mentioned Valentine's Day this year without prefacing his remarks by saying that the holiday is just a marketing gimmick for the florists and card companies.
  • He doesn't look at other women much anymore, and when he does, he looks guilty about it.
  • He keeps looking in jewelry store windows.
  • He's suddenly interested in your feelings about having kids.
  • He says you look cute in the morning.
  • You keep catching him looking off into space like he's worried about something.
  • He took great care of you the last time you were laid up with the flu.
  • He uses the "we" word more than the "I" word these days.
  • You've caught him snooping in your jewelry box.
  • He's keeping his Valentine's Day plans for the two of you a secret.

The signs are subtle, but you'll probably have a sixth sense feeling that will alert you anyway. Put a few of these subtle signals together, and you may be looking at a Valentine's Day worthy of a big celebration. Once you've made the transition from being a playmate to a helpmeet -- that's an old timey word for a partner -- a St. Valentine's Day proposal will be the icing on the cake.


If you still have doubts about the institution of marriage, consider a 2006 Pew Research study that reflects the observations of many psychologists: It found that 43 percent of married respondents felt they were "very happy." On the single side, only 24 percent of responders could make the same claim.


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