The Palm Tree Quilt Block is from the Traditional Treasures Quilt Design. This quilt block is all about fun, thanks to its charming tropical theme. Download the Palm Tree Quilt Block as a PDF to print out the pattern. You'll need to enlarge the quilt block at 125%.
To make the Palm Tree Quilt Block:
A: Cut 4. B: Cut 2, and cut 1 from background fabric. C: Cut 2, and cut 2 from reverse pattern. (Variation: Cut 2 C's from contrast fabric.) D: Cut 1, and cut 1 from reverse pattern. E: Cut 2. F: Cut 1. G: Cut 1.
Stitch A to B; stitch background B to other side of B. Stitch B to other side of background B, and stitch A to end. Stitch C to reverse C; make 2. Stitch A to CC, then stitch on D; make 2. Stitch E to F, then stitch E to other side of F. Stitch G to bottom of EFE. Stitch pieces together to complete block.
Flip through our Quilt Blocks to find one for your next quilting project.
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Lucie Sinkler is a versatile designer who specializes in both quilted and knitted projects. Her designs have appeared in national magazines such as Vogue, Christmas Crafts, and Knitting Made Easy.
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