The art of class has been nearly lost in today's society, although it's still a trait we all respect and admire. Being a classy gentleman means being intelligent, polite and distinguished. You can be classy by making some small changes in your appearance and behavior.
Here's how to be a classy gentleman.
What you should do:
- Be polite. Take a genuine interest in the people around you and be considerate of their needs.
- Be courteous. Hold doors for people, pull out chairs for women when they sit, do the things you've seen classy men do in old movies.
- Be confident and comfortable with yourself.
- Be clean. Grooming is essential to class. Your hair and fingernails should be short and neat. Your body and clothes should look and smell clean.
- Be thoughtful. Think before you speak or act. Forethought is a classy virtue for gentlemen.
- Be modest. Everyone will know who and what you are based on what you do. Classy gentlemen aren't cocky or arrogant.
- Have good posture. Stand and sit straight up. Communicate your positive attributes with your body language.
- Dress the part. Wear clothes that fit the situation. Your clothes should be neat and fashionable, but understated. Remember that jackets have more uses besides weddings.
- Honor your word and keep your promises. Actions speak louder than words, but for a classy gentleman, his words are as important as his actions.
[sources: Gentlemansguide, Elegantwoman]
What you should NOT do:
- Don't be loud. Keep your voice and your whole persona toned down.
- Don't wear overly flashy clothes.
- Don't wear jewelry other than a wedding band and wristwatch.
- Don't wear strong colognes.
- Don't draw attention to yourself; your good behavior will get you all the attention you need.
- Don't be arrogant. This matches up with being modest. It's worth mentioning twice.
- Don't spit. This should go without saying. Not only is it unsanitary, it's also extremely unappealing.
- Don't laugh at the mistakes of others or insult people.
[sources: Gentlemansguide, Elegantwoman]