This appealing crib quilt is sure to make a splash on any baby's bed. Download a photo and the patterns for the Dolphin Dream Quilt in this three-page PDF.
To make the Dolphin Dream Quilt Pattern:
- From blue/green print, cut twelve 8-inch squares. Cut 5 in half diagonally, forming 10 triangles. Cut 1 in half diagonally twice, forming 4 smaller triangles. Cut four 31/2-inch squares.
- From aqua, cut six 8-inch squares; 5 from one 8 X 45-inch piece, and last from end of remaining fabric. Cut in half diagonally, forming 12 triangles. Cut and fuse two 9 X 17-inch pieces of webbing side by side to remaining aqua. Place wave piece D right side down on paper. Trace 30 times and cut out. Remove paper.
- From ivory, cut 12 8-inch squares. From mauve, cut ten 11/2 X 45-inch strips and five 2 X 45-inch strips. Keep five 2-inch strips whole for binding. Cut each 11/2-inch strip into five 11/2 X 8-inch strips (discard 2).
- Cut and fuse two 9 X 17-inch pieces of webbing side by side to gray. Place dolphin pieces A, B, and C face down on paper. Trace and cut out 4 of each. Remove paper.
 ©2007 Publications International, Ltd. Here are patterns for dolphin pieces B and C.
- From dark aqua print, cut five 31/2 X 45-inch strips and one 11/2 X 45-inch strip. Cut 11/2-inch strip into twenty-four 11/2-inch squares. Cut 7 squares in half diagonally.
- Fuse 11-inch piece of strip webbing to wrong side of long edge of each aqua triangle. Remove paper. Place aqua triangle right side up on top of an ivory square, matching raw edges. Loosely baste raw edges to square and fuse long edge to square. Repeat for all aqua triangles. Set sewing machine of medium zigzag stitch, and zigzag bonded aqua edge to ivory square, using aqua thread. Repeat for all 12 squares. Fuse dolphins onto ivory/aqua squares.
- Assemble blocks diagonally in rows (see photograph on PDF of Dolphin Dream Quilt Pattern for placement). Trim edges of outer dark aqua triangles. Press all seams toward sashing and sashing squares. Pin and stitch diagonal rows together, matching sashing strips. Cut 4 pieces of strip webbing equal to 4 sides of rectangle and fuse to edges.
- Cut 1 of the 31/2 X 45-inch dark aqua strips in half. With right sides together, stitch a half strip to 2 whole strips, matching fabric designs if necessary. Trim strip into 2 pieces to measurement of side of center rectangle (about 471/2 inches). Trim remaining 2 strips to measurement of top and bottom of center rectangle (about 351/2 inches).
- With straight edges even, evenly space and pin waves on strips, 9 to long strips, and 6 to shorter strips. Place waves 2 inches apart and 13/4 inches from ends of top and bottom strips, and 11/2 inches apart and 11/4 inches from ends of side strips. Fuse.
- With right sides together, pin and stitch together entire border section with 2 sides, top, bottom, and blue/green print square in each corner. Press seams.
- Place completed border section face up on table. Center rectangle face up on top. Rectangle edges will slightly overlap border. Pin and fuse.
- Place backing face down and center batting. Place quilt top face up over batting. Pin edges and hand baste. Set sewing machine for medium zigzag stitch. Using gray thread, zigzag around dolphins and center rectangle section. Change to aqua thread and zigzag around waves.
- For binding, stitch together 5 mauve strips to make 1 very long 2-inch-wide strip. Fold strip in half lengthwise, wrong sides together. With raw edges of binding to edge of quilt top, beginning in middle of 1 side (leave 3 inches of binding free at beginning). End stitching 1/4 inch from each corner, backstitch, and cut threads. Begin next side 1/4 inch from corner, and repeat for all sides. End stitching about 6 inches before binding ends meet. Stitch ends of binding together, trim excess, and finish stitching binding to quilt. Trim batting and backing. Miter corners, turn binding to back side of quilt, and blind stitch in place by hand. Remove basting.
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