
So you took the leap. Find out everything you should -- and, maybe shouldn't -- know about your children and get a few parenting tips.

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Make sure your teen thinks through big decisions. Learn what to do if your teen wants a piercing in this article.

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Hair will re-grow so don't get too stressed out if your teen wants to dye his or her hair. Learn what to do if your teens want to dye their hair in this article.

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Teen romances are natural, but they can be overdone. Learn what to do if your daughter is boy crazy in this article.

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“Storm and stress" refers to the period of adolescence in which teenagers are in conflict with their parents, are moody, and engage in risky behavior. Learn about Storm and Stress from this article.

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Children of teen parents may grow up with health, emotional, educational and financial problems. Learn how having a teen parent affects the child in this article.

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After childhood, teens begin to think abstractly. Learn about the cognitive changes in adolescence in this article.

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Not everything you say to your kids falls on deaf ears. So if they come to you with questions about smoking, you better know how to answer them because chances are they will be listening.

By Matt Sailor


Many teens enjoy the sense of independence and the positive financial implications of working. Learn if your teen should work in this article.

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Parents want to teach their teens about responsibility and the need to contribute at home. Learn if you should pay your teen to babysit their sibling in this article.

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The teen years may be full of surprises for parents, as teens try out new behavior and try to assert their independence. Learn how to talk about inappropriate dress with your teen in this article.

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Many teens like to earn money their own money. Learn about whether your teen should contribute to the family income in this article.

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More than two hours of TV a day puts your teenager at a higher risk for undesirable consequences. Learn how many hours of TV are too much for a teen from this article.

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Although it can't be qualified by economists, children who have stay-at-home moms have certain advantages. Find out whether being a stay-at-home mom benefits your children from this article.

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It's possible to convert a crib to a toddler bed for when your toddler has outgrown his crib but isn't yet ready for a full-size bed. Learn how to convert a crib to a toddler bed in this article.

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Are you a man who needs a new suit but don't know how to measure yourself for the right size? Read this article to learn how to measure a man for a suit.

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Usually, you'll need a lawyer to navigate the adoption process. Learn how to apply for adoption of a child that you're a legal guardian for from this article.

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Single fathers need to make sure their daughters have all the information they need about puberty. Learn how single fathers can help girls get through puberty in this article.

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Many people order their custom-made shirts online, which requires you to know how to measure your chest accurately. This article will tell you how to measure your chest for shirts.

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Our young children depend on us and need us, and so do our teens, but in a different way. Find out how your relationship with your teen can change during adolescence in this article.

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Adulthood can sometimes be as challenging and confusing as adolescence -- for both the kids and parents -- so how do you steer your grown children in the right direction? Read our article to find out.

By Alison Cooper

You guided them through diapers and their teen years, but keeping up with your children now that they've left the nest is tough. How can you maintain touch with your grown kids?

By Bambi Turner

Ah, the golden years. Retirement is here -- or looming in the not-so-distant future -- and you're loving the peace and quiet of an empty nest. Then, your adult son or daughter asks to move in. How can you make this as smooth a transition as possible?

By Chris Obenschain

Still buying your adult children's groceries, helping with their cell phone bills and car insurance and providing a roof over their heads? So when it comes to tax time, shouldn't you be able to claim them as a dependent?

By Beth Brindle


Your little boy is all grown up now, but do you still find yourself telling him what to do, like you did when he was 3? Read on to learn how to guide your adult children without being controlling.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

As children grow into adults and begin to have families of their own, parents have to adapt to their revised roles in their adult kids' lives, and changing the way Moms and Dads communicate with their grown kids is a big part of that. Here's how to talk with -- not at -- your adult children.

By Alison Cooper